Spring Forward with me…

Date: June 21, 2022

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As we find ourselves in the growing season of spring once again, gardening and nature never fail to show up and teach us the best lessons in life. Last year I cultivated my first garden ever, and it was great, so much so that I’m at it again! Whether gardening, developing relationships, pursuing professional advancement, or raising children, on the highway of success, we always seek opportunities for betterment, re-invention and heightened relational rewards. Even though we are only on the cusp of June, many lessons have already been learned.

Seeking the TRUTH can be uncomfortable, as it may lead to encounters with failures, frustrations and deficiencies. But we will never be able to see, identify or overcome that to which we have closed our eyes. Truth is the foundational space and framework upon which success is built. This sphere of reality can often be the starting line to which we find ourselves returning. Finding the beauty in starting over begins with understanding that it’s OK and discovering the newness and opportunity that comes with it. The world will make attempts to define it, and past experiences may attempt to hide it, but choosing and cultivating your truth is an investment that pays immense dividends.

Even though this step is easily overlooked, it is paramount in the progression paradigm. When we pause and regroup, we stand on the aforementioned truth, recognizing and accepting circumstances in an effort to reconvene, redefine and form anew. So much power exists in this space as we walk away from assimilation and indoctrination to obtain the manifestation of what God has defined as our ultimate individualized destination.

Roots are essential to a grounded existence. Evaluating a root system requires us to take an in-depth look at our depth potential, our environmental nourishment and our growth potential. When necessary, we often entertain uprooting as a means to disconnect, but re-rooting encompasses uprooting through a progressive lens. When re-rooting, you not only displace anchorage fueled with the desire to move, you also take it a step further as you pause, evaluate circumstances and identify and commit to a new destination

Growth in any shape, form, or fashion is amazing. It is enjoyed and cultivated in togetherness and shared spaces, and there is no reason to travel this remarkable highway alone. Let’s Connect!


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