You’ve Got Five Minutes…

Date: June 25, 2021

Artist behind the Image: Photo by donterase on StockSnap

No, actually, you only have about 20 to 30 seconds, the time it takes an elevator to transcend approximately 2 floors. Your “elevator pitch,” whether a personal connection or business proposition, is often your one swing at delivering a succinct, persuasive pitch in an effort to secure a deal or a position, so you need to hit it out of the park each time! I have made the mistake of attempting to give a TED talk on floor 7, but in a world short on time, three to four solid sentences is all it takes to put your audience on the edge of their seats!

Owning your pitch and preparation for the anticipated engagement are foundational to exuding confidence. From steady eye contact to solid voice tones to firm handshakes to a memorable business card, confidence is built on the fact that no one can deliver what you are offering in a way that conveys an element of contagiousness and influence.

Thorough knowledge of yourself, your product and your target audience will equip you with the ability to stimulate interest, making it personal. Remember, being real is about being relatable and awakening an emotional connection by illustrating the personal impact of what you’re pitching.

Once the eyebrow is raised and you have their attention, now what? Transfer your ability to relate into your ability to generate, and be a resource. It’s time to transition into the outcome. In a world of vigorous gym workouts, with the stock market and mutual funds focused on gains, what is the benefit that you or your business is offering? Highlight and project that benefit into a vision; mentally engraving it by verbalizing what you have to offer beyond the moment

The balance of just enough, but not too much cultivates intrigue, and if developed and executed succinctly, not only will the elevator doors open, your pitch will also open up the opportunity to take the conversation into overtime! When passion and belief collide with a need, a connection is inevitable!

Let’s Connect!


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